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Tips to make your home more energy efficient

When it comes to saving energy here in Wisconsin, small changes can make a big difference in your energy bills. Here are some tips from us at OnQuote Insurance to help you make your home more energy efficient.

Tips to make your home more energy efficient

1. Check for Air Leaks

Look around your windows and doors for air leaks. Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal them up if needed. 

2. Change Your Light Bulbs

Replace all of your lightbulbs with LED bulbs, which use much less energy than traditional bulbs. 

3. Install Programmable Thermostats

 Installing a programmable thermostat is an easy way to reduce the amount of energy used during times when you aren’t home. 

4. Add Insulation

Make sure your attic and walls are properly insulated so that heat stays inside during winter months and out during summer months. 

5. Clean Your Filters Regularly

Keep your HVAC filters clean and replace them when needed so they can do their job properly without using extra energy to push through clogged filters and vents. 

6. Unplug Unused Electronics

Even when electronics are turned off, they still draw power if left plugged in! Unplug all electronics when not in use, including phone chargers and gaming systems, to save on energy costs over time. 

Reach Out To Us

Making small changes to how you manage energy usage in your home can go a long way toward reducing costs while still providing comfort. With these tips, you can start making improvements today that will have an impact on your bills for years down the road!

For more tips, give us at OnQuote Insurance a call today. We are proud to serve Wisconsin and would be happy to help you find a homeowners policy that works for you.