When buying a new car, choosing the right type of car insurance for your needs is crucial. The professionals at OnQuote Insurance, serving Wisconsin, can help you choose car insurance that fits your budget while also reassuring you that you have a suitable car insurance policy. In this article, we’ll go over the car insurance options to help you choose the best policy.
What Are My Car Insurance Options?
There are several types of car insurance that you can choose from when buying a new car. Here are some examples:
- Liability only: This type of car insurance pays to replace or repair the other driver’s vehicle if you cause a car crash.
- Collision insurance: This type of car insurance pays to repair or replace your vehicle if you are in a car accident, even if you caused the accident.
- Comprehensive insurance: Comprehensive insurance covers damage from a range of non-collision events, such as fire and vandalism.
- Full coverage: This type of insurance combines all the other insurance types above.
Am I Required to Get a Specific Type of Car Insurance?
If you have a car loan, your lender may require you to get full coverage insurance. If you aren’t getting a car loan, you may be required to get liability-only insurance to comply with state driving laws.
Which One Should I Choose?
Choosing from all these car insurance options can be challenging. It’s important to consider your budget, driving record, and the value of your new car. Many people who buy new vehicles want full coverage car insurance because they want to protect their investment. If you are purchasing a new car, contact OnQuote Insurance, serving Wisconsin, to get started with your new car insurance policy.