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OnQuote Insurance Blog

Will homeowners insurance pay for renovations made to my home?

Homeowners’ insurance covers many different aspects of home ownership. From coverage for your home’s foundation to liability coverage for visitors who may get injured on your property, it’s wise to view homeowners insurance as a group of bundled coverages. Without this crucial insurance, excessive out-of-pocket expenses could overwhelm many homeowners during unexpected events and accidents. At OnQuote Insurance, we understand that many homeowners don’t fully comprehend all aspects of homeowners insurance. We commit ourselves to fostering understanding and helping Wisconsin homeowners obtain the coverage they need.

What does homeowners insurance cover?

Homeowners insurance typically covers your home’s foundation, the interior and exterior structure, plus all the structures on your property. Your personal belongings are also covered by your policy. Other situations, including vandalism, theft, some natural disasters, and liability, are typical parts of a homeowners’ insurance policy. Your policy also provides financial coverage for the cost of rebuilding or repairing your house and the other structures on your property. Liability coverage provides protection for anyone who’s injured on your property or damage you may cause to someone else’s property.

Will homeowners insurance pay for renovations made to my home?

Whether homeowners insurance will pay for home renovations is situational. If the renovations being made are upgrades you initiated for improvement, the answer is no. However, if a covered event that negatively alters or damages your home or its structures causes the need for renovations, your homeowners’ policy will typically pay for these. Please note that damage from termites, some natural disasters, neglect, and natural wear and tear from age, aren’t covered by your homeowners’ policy. If you have questions regarding homeowners insurance, we welcome your call. We’d be happy to answer them.